
Showing posts from March, 2023

Why are people in depression these days?

  There are many reasons why people may experience depression. While it is difficult to generalize the entire population, some factors that may contribute to the prevalence of depression in today's society include: Increased societal pressures: The modern world is highly competitive and fast-paced, and people are often expected to achieve high levels of success in all aspects of life. This can create a sense of pressure and overwhelm that can contribute to depression. Social isolation: With the rise of technology and social media, people may feel more disconnected from one another than ever before. Loneliness and isolation can contribute to feelings of depression. Trauma: Trauma can have long-lasting effects on mental health and can contribute to depression. Trauma can be experienced in many forms, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Genetics and biological factors: Depression can also have a genetic component, and certain biological factors such as hormonal imbalance

‘HER’ - Afrah

  Perhaps, they didn’t perceive the potential in her. They described her as absurd but she was in the agony of desires.   The world made her feel Outlandish however she knew her worth. She knew she wasn’t born to be like every ordinary person.   They called her Preposterous for having different desires.  It’s not altruistic for one to suffer-   There’s no need to agonize about the truculent world.  All the taunts that she received and all the humiliations that she faced made her even stronger than before. She was undoubtedly capable of conquering the world with right intentions- she wasn’t agitated of anybodys judgement.  The world strained to tear her down but she never gave up! She smiled, she laughed and sometimes even cried but she never gave up!                                                               ~Syed Afrah Arshad 

Always be proud of yourself- Afrah💭

  It took me a long time to realise that not everyone’s going to be proud of me and not everything in my life is meant to be beautiful. I shouldn’t be scared of failures- it doesn’t matter if I fail one time, two times or even thrice. All that matter is, I shouldn’t give up! Because at the day of the day, I just want to be proud of the person I have become. I really want to be proud of the way I see this world and everything around me. I want to be proud of my life- the way I grew. I like to keep my best and worst moments close to my heart- the worst phase of our lives teaches us good lessons and best moments make us feel like there’s always something to be grateful for. True gratitude isn’t about ignoring the darkside, it’s rather about practicing gratitude with whatever life brings. I really want to be proud of my life, my parents and every good & bad situation I’ve dealt with.   I don’t know if anyone’s still reading this, but since you are, I wanna let you know that ‘you’re pre

Life is paragon of exquisite Formosity - Afrah

It’s truly discombobulating how   people are often inadequate to understand that life is supposed to be a venust story. Despite of knowing that Our time (our life) in this world is  evanescent.  we still run after the world, we still stress out over unnecessary things. If we explore life, we will emphatically find out how splendid this life is although life is highly unpredictable- Right when we think that we found our destination, life throws a new way to explore! Any day can turn out to the best day of life or the last day in this world. we should clear our obstacles and move forward in our lives. Agree with me or not but life is actually amazing- it’s just how we look at it. There’s a famous quote which says, “beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.” Similaraly, life is marvellous for some people but at the same time awful for others. Apparently, we all have some ‘not so good’ days in our lives which teaches us so many lessons (however we don’t appreciate the bad days) oh come on,

Pluviophile - RAIN (Afrah)

  It was five in the morning with grey skies and tiny flies I opened my eyes and looked up at the rain,   I was in my lane, witnessing a Train. I knew right then I’m left in the rain to fend for  myself, But I got a glimpse of imps  The chaos in my vein, was because of my brain. I danced in the rain  Unapologetically over and over again.  There was harmony in the nature  Which was greater for an instigator. The sound of rain was pleasing my ear hence I  didn’t have a care I could trace the edges of the leaves with all my feels I danced in the rain  Unapologetically over and over again                                            ~ Syed Afrah Arshad

Arrant Alexithymiaic student- Afrah

  I was unescorted in the classroom full of unfamiliar faces, the  touch of endeavour on my soul was all I desired. I was scared to acknowledge my existence in the class full of vivid students,  Yet the aspiration that I had was all I needed. I stood up with my confidence and a spirit of valour. I knew human options will only disable me,  rather than striving up bravery within me.  I chose to believe that magnificent things are going to happen to me. I knew, this journey is intricate and there’s no rule to it. I desire to wake up in the middle of the night with my heart and mind filled with felicity. The anxiety, the fear and the pain that I had was never worth anything. The world i live in is undoubtedly full of the negative and the positive energy  And, as a dreamer it was my job to protect my soul and mind from distractions- fending off the negative. In my journey, I desire the practice of taking control of my thoughts and filling my mind and soul with gratitude and goodness. Life i

Venust existence - afrah

Appreciate what you have before it’s gone❗️  Let me start by saying (and I’m pretty sure that you’ll go along with it)   HUMAN MIND IS NEVER SATISFIED! we (humans) tend to chase big dreams and often forget to measure the progress by how far we’ve come and how far we’ve to go.    Life is whizzer, limitless and fromastic  Always remember, we’ve come so far and during our voyage, we’ve emphatically learned plethora of lessons- undoubtedly , we’ve learned to step out of the boundaries of our worries, believing in our hard work. Trust me, it has never been a tranquil journey, however it has opened our eyes in many different ways.   We’re indeed cognizant about the fact that there are  plethora of people across the globe who are inadequate to fulfill their basic requirements- so many people strive food and security- many don’t have access to internet and some don’t have shelter. Therefore, NEVER BE UNGRATEFUL !!  You’re going to realise it someday that the satisfaction that you felt wasn’t a

stop comparing yourself with others-

  “ there’s a price for everything is life and the price for this happens to losing   yourself ”