Venust existence - afrah

Appreciate what you have before it’s gone❗️

 Let me start by saying (and I’m pretty sure that you’ll go along with it)  HUMAN MIND IS NEVER SATISFIED! we (humans) tend to chase big dreams and often forget to measure the progress by how far we’ve come and how far we’ve to go. 

  Life is whizzer, limitless and fromastic 

Always remember, we’ve come so far and during our voyage, we’ve emphatically learned plethora of lessons- undoubtedly , we’ve learned to step out of the boundaries of our worries, believing in our hard work. Trust me, it has never been a tranquil journey, however it has opened our eyes in many different ways.
  We’re indeed cognizant about the fact that there are  plethora of people across the globe who are inadequate to fulfill their basic requirements- so many people strive food and security- many don’t have access to internet and some don’t have shelter.

You’re going to realise it someday that the satisfaction that you felt wasn’t actually about achieving a degree or scoring good in a test. The felicity that you felt was always about the hope that you had, listening to your heart whenever you chose to go. It was always about you, it was about being kinder to yourself and embracing the person you were becoming. 
   Apparently there might be moments when you feel like you don’t have an altruistic life, that there might be days where you feel that your work is in vain… BUT you’re wrapped in endless, boundless grace. Appreciate what you have before it’s gone!! 

                                - SYED AFRAH ARSHAD


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