Always be proud of yourself- Afrah💭

 It took me a long time to realise that not everyone’s going to be proud of me and not everything in my life is meant to be beautiful. I shouldn’t be scared of failures- it doesn’t matter if I fail one time, two times or even thrice. All that matter is, I shouldn’t give up! Because at the day of the day, I just want to be proud of the person I have become. I really want to be proud of the way I see this world and everything around me. I want to be proud of my life- the way I grew. I like to keep my best and worst moments close to my heart- the worst phase of our lives teaches us good lessons and best moments make us feel like there’s always something to be grateful for. True gratitude isn’t about ignoring the darkside, it’s rather about practicing gratitude with whatever life brings. I really want to be proud of my life, my parents and every good & bad situation I’ve dealt with. 

I don’t know if anyone’s still reading this, but since you are, I wanna let you know that ‘you’re precious! You’re beautiful & you should be proud of yourself’ 



                                     ~ Syed Afrah Arshad 


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