stop comparing yourself with others-

 there’s a price for everything is life and the price for this happens to losing yourself

  1. It’s been a while since i’ve wanted to address something. Something which I feel a lot of people don’t talk about it because of whatever reason and I think I’m going to finally write about it as I see people going through this and I myself happen to have experienced this. I know more than half of you all won’t bother to read this but for those who do, I really hope this helps you in whatever it can.

Well, change is something we humans consider normal, isn’t it? But wait a second, I think most of us has forgotten about the fact that there are two kinds of changes : 

1) A good one. 

 2) A bad one 

   Honestly, I feel like a plethora of people out there have changed because of the influence of social media. We’ve changed from being frolicking children to sad soul who’re constantly feeling the urge to fit in. But my question is, WHY DO YOU WANT TO FIT IN? Why!? You’re beautiful and marvellous just the way you are! We do not need to lose yourself in the process of fitting in. We emphatically have made our lives similar to a rat race. We tend to live our own lives in a certain way to look ‘COOL’ lol 

     Undoubtedly we witness a bunch of people on social media who we think are better than us (both physically and mentally) and because of that reason we constantly want to become like them!! We’re demotivating ourselves and trying so hard to become someone we are clearly not! 

    Stop doing so hard, stop doing what others do because honestly even if you think it makes you ‘cooler’ or whatever, let me remind you, there’s a price for everything is life and the price for this happens to losing yourself.

    Do not lose yourself for anyone or anyone. Don’t change yourself into someone you’re not. You were created for a reason and apparently you’ve a purpose in life! However, you won’t be able to accomplish that if you try to be someone else. Don’t lose your identity in this crowd- shine bright! 

Learn to appreciate everything you have!! Just because we didn’t end up on the same wave doesn’t mean we aren’t still a part of this ocean 🌊 

                             - SYED AFRAH ARSHAD



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