Within us, the stars reside -Afrah

 the stars above us shine so bright

Their light a beacon in the darkest night

And yet, they seem so far away

A distant dream, a celestial display

But the moon, ah yes, the moon is near

A glowing orb that we hold so dear

It rises high and casts its light

A tranquil presence in the dead of night

And in its glow, we see our world

The beauty that from darkness unfurled

The mountains, seas, and endless plains

All bathed in silver, free from chains

But what of us, the human kind

What purpose do we serve to find

In this great expanse of light and dark

Where we play but a tiny part?

Perhaps it's in the way we dream

Of reaching stars, of things unseen

Of hope and love, of joy and pain

Of endless skies and distant plains

For in our hearts, we hold the stars

A universe within our scars

And as we journey through this life

We'll shine as bright as any light

So fear not, Afrah, the vast unknown

For in your heart, a light has shone

And as you gaze up at the sky

Know that within you, stars reside.

~ Afrah 


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