
Showing posts from April, 2023

Within us, the stars reside -Afrah

  the stars above us shine so bright Their light a beacon in the darkest night And yet, they seem so far away A distant dream, a celestial display But the moon, ah yes, the moon is near A glowing orb that we hold so dear It rises high and casts its light A tranquil presence in the dead of night And in its glow, we see our world The beauty that from darkness unfurled The mountains, seas, and endless plains All bathed in silver, free from chains But what of us, the human kind What purpose do we serve to find In this great expanse of light and dark Where we play but a tiny part? Perhaps it's in the way we dream Of reaching stars, of things unseen Of hope and love, of joy and pain Of endless skies and distant plains For in our hearts, we hold the stars A universe within our scars And as we journey through this life We'll shine as bright as any light So fear not, Afrah, the vast unknown For in your heart, a light has shone And as you gaze up at the sky Know that within you, stars re

Self love - Afrah

  In a world that's swift and jarring Where self-love is often scarce, It's prime to take a pause, And indulge in some self-care. In the mirror, I see my flaws, My imperfections, my scars, But as I take time for myself, I'm reminded of my worth.  take a moment for yourself, And embrace your inner light, For the beauty that you hold within, Will shine through day and night. Remember, self-care is not selfish, It's an act of self-love and care, And as you tend to your own needs, You'll find that beauty is always there.

Be fond of your life- Afrah

  Be fond of your life, each and every day, Let your anguish and strife drift away, Find dazzling in the world around, And let felicity and pleasure abound. Take a deep breath, feel the sun on your face, Embrace the moment, let time and space, Disappear into the here and now, And let your heart and soul take a bow. Life is a journey, full of ups and downs, But with each step, a new adventure abounds, So open your eyes, take in the view, And let the wonder of life renew.

You before you >>

 Love yourself honey <3

Discover yourself- Afrah

  Finding ‘yourself’ is a personal journey that requires patience, self-reflection, and an open mind. It's about discovering who you are and what you want out of life. It's important because it leads to personal growth. While the journey of finding yourself can be challenging, the rewards are well worth the effort. When you find yourself, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and what makes you unique. It's a journey that can be both rewarding and challenging, but ultimately, it leads to personal growth and fulfillment.

Chaotic energy

Chaotic energy may seem disordered and unpredictable, but within its turbulence lies a powerful force waiting to be harnessed. - Afrah


Life is not just a journey, it is an artistic expression. With every decision we make, every relationship we cultivate, and every experience we have, we are painting a portrait of who we are and what we stand for. Embrace the creative potential of your life and make it a masterpiece that inspires and uplifts others  ~ Afrah

‘If apocalypse ensues’ - Afrah

  What if the apocalypse ensues ? And our world is hurled into chaos? What if the sky turns dark as night, And all around us, there's just tranquillity? What if the sun no longer shines, And the earth is covered in ash? What if the winds are howling loud, And our homes are nothing but trash? What if the oceans rise up high, And the cities drown in their waves? What if the forests are all gone, And the animals are in their graves? What if we're left with nothing else, But the ruins of our own mistakes? What if the end is truly nigh, And there's no escaping what fate makes?                                                   ~Syed Afrah Arshad

A stupendous day

  A stupendous day is not just about having things go your way, but also about embracing the existing moment with gratitude and detecting triumph in the simple things.                                      ~Syed Afrah Arshad

Courtesy- Afrah

  Grace is a present, so ethical and veracious. A benediction that shines on me and you. It's the lenient touch that warms the soul, A  steering light to help us reach our goal. It's the love that forgives and never ends, The compassion that heals and mends. It's the brawn that carries us through the night, And the desire that brings us to the morning light. courtesy is the beauty of life's journey, A precious gift that fills us with glee. So let us cherish it and pass it on, For grace is the illumination that makes life  shine on.                                         ~Syed Afrah Arshad 

April - Afrah

  April 2023, the month of spring, When nature awakens, with triumph it brings Blossoming flowers, and greening trees, The chirping of birds, and buzzing of bees. The sun shines brighter, and skies are blue, The air is fresh, and the grass is new, A time of renewal, and a time of hope, As we leave behind the winter's scope. The days are longer, and nights are mild, A perfect time, to get reconciled, With nature's beauty, and with ourselves, As we embrace the warmth, and the wealth. April 2023 , a month to cherish, A time to love, and a time to nourish, The bonds we share, and the dreams we hold, As we write a story, yet to be told. ~Syed Afrah Arshad

She’s the gentle breeze on a warm summer's day -Afrah

  Women are the illumination that guides our way, The gentle breeze on a warm summer's day. Their grace and beauty inspire awe, Their strength and courage, beyond what we saw. With eyes that sparkle like the stars above, And hearts that overflow with boundless love. They nurture, care, and heal our souls, And make our lives feel complete and whole. Their minds are sharp, their spirits free, They challenge norms and break boundaries. They stand up for what they believe, And empower others to do the same, achieve. Women are warriors, queens, and saints, Their presence on this earth, a precious gift. Let us cherish and honor them always, For they make this world a better place.                                      ~Syed Afrah Arshad